Pharmacological action: Resolvent and diuretic.
Medicinal use: Effective in stomatitis, bronchitis, chest and liver complaints, piles, and labor pain. Also useful in toothache, earache, chronic gonorrhea and leucorrhea.
Pharmacological action: Anti-inflammatory, tonic for brain and liver.
Medicinal use: Effective in hysteria, epilepsy, nervous irritability, depression, migraine, intermittent fevers, liver and spleen inflammation, menstrual irregularities, facial paralysis, piles.
Pharmacological action: Anthelmintic, analgesic, purgative.
Medicinal use: Effective in purging the body of phlegmatic and atrabilious humors. Prescribed in epilepsy, melancholia and insanity. Acts as a blood purifier, reduces inflammations and relieves pain in the stomach, fever and jaundice.
Pharmacological action: Laxative, anticonstipatory, anthelmintic, resolvent.
Medicinal use: Effective in stomach disorders, glandular swelling, chronic ulcers, skin disorders.
Pharmacological action: Digestive, astringent, sedative, anti-phlegmatic.
Medicinal use: Effective in phlegmatic cough, asthma, chronic dementia, insomnia, paralysis, neuralgia, and irritation of the kidney, uterus and bladder. Also useful in lung, bowel, and genito-urinary complaints such as cystitis.
Pharmacological action: Aphrodisiac and brain tonic.
Medicinal use: Effective in mental debility, indigestion, weak teeth and gums, skin ulcers, sores and eczema.
Pharmacological action: Emollient, analgesic, expectorant, diuretic.
Medicinal use: Effective in all kinds of local inflammations, sores and ulcers. Also effective in internal inflammations and expectorant in colds, coughs, urinary irritations, gonorrhea, spermatorrhea and diarrhea.
Pharmacological action: Carminative, diuretic and antiseptic, anti-oxidant.
Medicinal use: Effective in palpitation, tachycardia, scurvy, cardiac and stomach debility, excessive body heat, chronic diarrhea and dysentery.
Pharmacological action: Antringent, refrigerant, anti-diarrhea, diuretic.
Medicinal use: Effective in strengthening heart and liver and formation of blood. Also used for diarrhea, piles, weak eyesight, quenching thirst and re-hydrating body.
Pharmacological action: Anti-haemorrhagic and anti-bilious.
Medicinal use: Effective in internal hemorrhages, bloody piles, menorrhagia. Also used in tuberculosis, lung infections, capillary bronchitis, whooping cough, chronic diarrhea and malaria.
Pharmacological action: Anti-phlegmatic, stimulant, purifier
of cephalic humors, cardiac tonic.
Medicinal use: Effective in purifying
impurities from the cephalic region, improves potency and sperm count, relieves
chest pain and sciatica.
Pharmacological action: Expectorant and antispasmodic.
Medicinal use: Effective in cough, chest congestion, asthma, tuberculosis.
Pharmacological action: Cooling, demulcent, expectorant, anti-inflammatory.
Medicinal use: Effective in relieving thirst and cough, purging the body of unhealthy humours, asthma, irritation of larynx, soar throat.
Pharmacological action: Anti-rheumatic, diuretic.
Medicinal use: Effective in general debility, senile disorders, rheumatism, nervous exhaustion, loss of memory, spermatorrhea. Also effective in leucorrhea.
Pharmacological action: Antihypertensive, sedative, psychotropic.
Medicinal use: Effective in hysteria, high blood pressure, insomnia and irritative conditions of the central nervous system.
Pharmacological action: Powerful hydragogue, cathartic, anthelmintic, anti-spasmodic.
Medicinal use: Effective in purging malhumours present in the body due to physiological or organ dysfunctions. Effective against brain and nervous disorders, paralysis, convulsions, epilepsy, severe constipation. Also cures abnormal leucorrheal discharge, gonorrhea and gleet.
Pharmacological action: Nervine tonic, cerebral stimulant, stomach and bladder tonic.
Medicinal use: Effective in facial paralysis, palsy, gout, rheumatism, sciatica, backache, digestive debility and impotency.
Pharmacological action: Disinfectant, antiseptic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic.
Medicinal use: Effective in epilepsy, colic, stomach debility, jaundice, nervous irritability, rheumatism, toothache, open wounds and fistulas. Also useful for treatment of hair and scalp.
Pharmacological action:
Nutritive, nervine tonic, aphrodisiac.
Medicinal use: Effective in mental fatigue, throat and chest congestion, weak eyesight, dry and wrinkled skin, constipation. Also used to increase and thicken semen.
Pharmacological action: Exhilarant, carminative, cephalic tonic, cardiac.
Medicinal use: Effective in giddiness, bronchitis, griping, muscular pain, asthma, headache, scabies. Used as brain tonic and in hypochondriac conditions. Strengthens gums and improves mouth odor, and relieves toothache. Also effective as a cardiac tonic and relieves rheumatic pain and breast inflammation.