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Tayyebi: Endowed with the rich heritage of Tibb-e-Unani

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Aqarqarha (Chrysanthemum indicum)

Pharmacological action: Anti-phlegmatic, stimulant, purifier of cephalic humors, cardiac tonic.

Medicinal use: Effective in purifying impurities from the cephalic region, improves potency and sperm count, relieves chest pain and sciatica.

Burhani Pills

An effective formula for relieving common flu, cold and ...

Dawai Battisa

An essential compound for pregnant women. It provides ...

Hab-be Maqawi-e-Bah

With a combination of essential minerals and herbs, this ...

Hab-be Mumsik

A potent formula for maintaining erection over longer ...

Lubu-be-Kabir Qism-e-Ala

An excellent aphrodisiac consisting of herbs, fruits and ...

Sufufe Asadi

A delicious digestive powder consisting of salts and herbs ...